The Retention of Heavy Metals in Sewage Sludge Applied to a Freshwater Tidal Wetland

The hypothesis that freshwater tidal wetlands act as sinks for heavy metals was tested using sewage sludge applied biweekly from March to October 1981 at low treatment (25 g m−2 wk−1) and high treatment (100 g m−1) levels. No differences in aboveground macrophyte standing crop were found except in June when high and low treatment sites had significantly higher (p=0.05) standing crops than control sites. Except for chromium, metal standing stocks in the vegetation on treatment sites did not increase as a result of sludge application. The March litter had significantly higher (p=0.05) concentrations of chromium, copper, lead, and nickel at all sites than the October vegetation, but only high and low treatment litter chromium levels were significantly higher (p=0.05) than control litter. When sludge application terminated in October, the top 5 cm of soil at the high and low treatment sites had retained, respectively, 47 and 43% of the cadmium, 53 and 28% of the chromium, 52 and 0% of the copper, 51 and 0% of the zinc, 31 and 0% of the lead, and 0 and 0% of the nickel applied; only cadmium (15 and 46%, respectively) and chromium (12 and 28%, respectively) were still retained the following March. Thus, freshwater tidal wetlands can retain significant quantities of heavy metals associated with sewage sludge. The vegetation and litter play minor roles while the soil plays a major role in heavy metal retention.