In systems that are two and three dimensional electronically, a large polaron and a small polaron are distinct types of quasiparticles. The type of polaron formed depends on which electron-lattice interaction is of primary importance. A large polaron forms when the electron-lattice interaction due to the long-range Coulombic interactions between an electronic carrier and a solid’s ions are of paramount importance. Competing effects then determine the radius of a large polaron. By contrast, a small polaron can form when a short-range electron-lattice interaction, such as the deformation-potential interaction, is dominant. A small polaron forms as its self-trapped carrier shrinks without limit until it is confined to a single site. Fundamental differences between large and small polarons produce optical spectra with distinguishing features. The absorption due to photoionization of a large polaron depends on products of the matrix elements for exciting a carrier from its self-trapped states to a free-carrier state and the density of these free-carrier states. These matrix elements fall sharply with increasing free-carrier wave vector k when kR>1, where R is the large polaron’s radius. A large polaron’s photoionization produces a temperature-independent absorption band. This band is asymmetric with the absorption intensity on the high-energy side of the peak exceeding that on the low-energy side of the peak.