High-temperature EPR in solid and molten paramagnets

The electron-paramagnetic-resonance (EPR) linewidth ΔH of the strongly exchange coupled paramagnets, MnF2, KMnF3, RbMnF3, and CsMnF3, was studied from 300 to 1450 K. Relative to the Néel temperature TN this regin encompasses temperatures of the order of 3<TTN<15 in the solid and some 200-350°K into the molten state. The XMnF3 (X=K, Rb and Cs) salts all show a ΔH which monotonically increases with temperature up to the melting point Tm. At Tm an abrupt doubling of ΔH occurs, followed by a decreasing linewidth with increasing temperature. The linewidth of MnF2 exhibits a most striking behavior; beginning some 200°C below Tm the linewidths ΔH and ΔH (parallel or perpendicular to c axis) decrease rapidly, with the anisotropy (1ΔHΔH in ΔH changing sign before melting. No abrupt change in ΔH is found upon melting. EPR in magnetically diluted but structurally isomorphic salts (e.g., KMn1xMgxF3) was investigated in both solid and molten states. Resolved Mn55 and F19 hfs were found in the very dilute solids but not in the liquids. Linewidths as functions of concentration were obtained in both cases. A theoretical interpretation of the temperature dependence of ΔH in the dense magnetic salts is given. Rigid-lattice spin dynamical contributions are examined and are found to be small. Lattice vibrational effects (harmonic and anharmonic) on the temperature dependence of the dipolar and exchange interactions, as they affect the linewidth, were studied. From the combined theoretical and experimental studies, for the simple cubic KMnF3 and RbMnF3 compounds, the temperature dependence of the exchange interaction is deduced in the region T=4TN to T=Tm. The anomalous behavior of the MnF2 linewidth and its anisotropy belowTm is interpreted as resulting from the activated interchange of nearest-neighbor Mn2+ ions along the c axis, with E00.3 eV. The magnitudes of the linewidth in the molten states of all of the dense paramagnets are shown to correspond to a correlation time for spin exchange or motion (and/or chemical exchange) τm1012 sec. The dilution experiments in the molten state suggest that spin exchange continues to be important in the liquid until very low magnetic ion concentrations.