The results of treatment of carcinoma of the uterine cervix using a linear vaginal source and 4 MV X rays

Between 1960-1976, 1645 women with carcinoma of the uterine cervix were treated in the Radiotherapy Department, Edinburgh [Scotland, UK]. In the earlier years the majority of patients were treated using a partially afterloaded Ra line source system, combined with 4 MV external irradiation. The Ra was later replaced by Cs which, from 1972, was used in a fully afterloaded line source intracavitary applicator. In recent years a computer program was used to calculate the dose distribution, resulting in improved pelvic dosimetry and a decline in the frequency and severity of radiation reactions. Actuarial survival rates are reported by stage for a 20-yr period. The 5-yr survival rate for patients with Stage I disease treated by the Edinburgh method was 74.7% (71.5% for the whole group). For patients with Stage II disease, the rates were 57.1% and 51.3% and for those with Stage III disease, the rates were 40.1% and 28.0%.