Endocrine Mechanisms of Blood Pressure Rhythms

The temporal organization of blood pressure is mainly controlled by neuroendocrine mechanisms. The monoaminergic systems appear to integrate the major driving factors of temporal variability, but evidence also indicates a role of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal, hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid, opioid, renin-angiotensin-aldosterone, and endothelial systems as well as other vasoactive peptides. Although their hormonal secretions are typically episodic, the probability of secretory episodes is "gated" by mechanisms that are coupled either to sleep or to an endogenous pacemaker which usually is predominantly (though not only) circadian. Many hormones with established actions on the cardiovascular system (arginine vasopressin, vasoactive intestinal peptide, melatonin, somatotropin, insulin, steroids, serotonin, CRF, ACTH, TRH, endogenous opioids, and prostaglandin E2) are also involved in sleep induction or arousal. Hence, physical, mental, and pathologic stimuli, which may drive activation or inhibition of these neuroendocrine effectors of biologic rhythmicity, may also interfere with the temporal blood pressure structure. On the other hand, the immediate adaptation of the exogenous components of blood pressure rhythms to the demands of the environment are modulated by the circadian-time-dependent responsiveness of the biologic oscillators and their neuroendocrine effectors. These notions may contribute to a better understanding of the pathophysiology and therapeutics of changes in blood pressure.