Bose-Einstein statistics in thermalization and photoluminescence of quantum-well excitons

Quasiequilibrium relaxational thermodynamics is developed to understand LA-phonon-assisted thermalization of Bose-Einstein distributed excitons in quantum wells. We study quantum-statistical effects in the relaxational dynamics of the effective temperature of excitons T=T(t). When T is less than the degeneracy temperature T0, well-developed Bose-Einstein statistics of quantum-well excitons leads to nonexponential and density-dependent thermalization. At low bath temperatures Tb0, the thermalization of quantum statistically degenerate excitons effectively slows down and T(t)1/lnt. We also analyze the optical decay of Bose-Einstein distributed excitons in perfect quantum wells, and show how nonclassical statistics influences the effective lifetime τopt. In particular, τopt of a strongly degenerate gas of excitons is given by 2τR, where τR is the intrinsic radiative lifetime of quasi-two-dimensional excitons. Kinetics of resonant photoluminescence of quantum-well excitons during their thermalization is studied within the thermodynamic approach and taking into account Bose-Einstein statistics. We find density-dependent photoluminescence dynamics of statistically degenerate excitons. Numerical modeling of the thermalization and photoluminescence kinetics of quasi-two-dimensional excitons are given for GaAs/AlxGa1xAs quantum wells.
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