The cavity length which maximizes the peak power conversion efficiency is determined for quantum well diode lasers. These calculations are based upon simple models of the diode injection laser’s electrical and optical behaviors, including saturation in the quantum well gain-current characteristic. Here the influences of the distributed optical cavity loss, electrical resistivity, and facet reflectivity on the optimum cavity length are described. Although a lower facet reflectivity results in increased threshold current, there are advantages to longer devices, as the peak conversion efficiency is not reduced. Since the optimum cavity length is greater for low reflectivity, the diode series resistance is smaller. Furthermore, when operating at the point where conversion efficiency is a maximum, the power output of the device with low facet reflectivity exceeds that of the device with higher facet reflectivity. Therein lies the principle advantage of reduced front-facet reflectivities in high power, high efficiency quantum well diode lasers. Good agreement results when these predictions are applied to a strained InGaAs/AlGaAs single quantum well laser (λ=0.93 μm).