Some Propensity Rules in Collision-Induced Rotational Quantum Jumps

When a mixture of lithium vapor and argon is irradiated with the light from an argon ion laser and the resulting fluorescence of the Li2 B 1Πu − X 1Σg+ band system is examined under high resolution, a pattern of collision‐induced satellite lines is observed to accompany the parent resonance fluorescence series. Under conditions of low pressure these satellite lines originate from single inelastic events which alter the rotational state of the excited Li2 molecule. The relative intensities of the satellite lines are found to be markedly different depending on whether the collision‐induced transition originates from the upper or lower component of the Lgr; doublet of the Π state, referred to as c or d , respectively. An increase in J(+ ΔJ jump) is favored over a decrease (− ΔJ) for d → c jumps whereas − ΔJ is favored over + ΔJ for c → d jumps. On the other hand ± ΔJ changes that preserve the character of the Λ component, i.e., c → c and d → d , occur with nearly equal probability for the same value of ΔJ . This behavior has been observed for the satellite lines corresponding to ΔJ = ± 1, ± 2 , and in some cases ± 3 for (υ′, J′, c, or d) levels (2, 31, c), (3, 30, c), (9, 38, c), (4, 24, d) , and (7, 61, d) of 7Li2 and (0, 45, d) of 6Li 7Li. In 7Li2 only collisional transitions between symmetric or between antisymmetric levels are allowed. For 6Li 7Li, which does not have this symmetry, more satellite lines are observed. However, these additional lines are significantly weaker since the 6Li 7Li molecule is nearly homonuclear. A simple classical model is suggested which may help to explain the different rotational quantum jump propensities for the two Λ components.