A Review of reference group data from normal children for the halstead-reitan neuropsychological test battery for older children

This article reviews data gathered from samples of normal children who were assessed with the Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Test Battery for Older Children (HRB-OC), ages 9–14 years. Graphic comparisons by age group indicate clear developmental trends for all measures except TPT-memory, TPT-localization, and Seashore Rhythm Test. Methods used to analyze variability of the measures suggested that the following may be unreliable: Tactual Performance Test, all timed measures, memory and localization tasks; Trail Making Test, Part B among younger children; Speech-Sounds Perception Test; and Seashore Rhythm Test. These results are consistent with published reliability data from a study of referred children. The HRB-OC remains a powerful tool when combined with multiple methods of assessment and clinical expertise.