153 Ss responded to the Sherif-Hovland instruments for 2 issues. Ss then rated their statements judged most acceptable (MA) and most objectionable (MO) on 18 semantic differential scales. Separate factor analyses of the semantic differential scales were run, collapsing across both issues. The patterns of percentages of variance indicated that the 2 semantic structures were probably not identical. Tests of significance were performed for 2 single scales and for factor scores (8) for the first 2 components (evaluation and potency) extracted in the factor analyses. The issues were tested separately, comparing Ss' ratings of their MAs and MOs. The tests were significant and showed that MA was rated “better,” more important, and more acceptable (a check on validity of Ss' responses) than MO; however, MO was judged more potent than MA. It was concluded that the 2 positions, MA and MO, are probably not simply antithetical.