The Treatment of Psychogenic Impotence After Dermal Graft repair for Peyronie’s Disease

Men (20) who failed to resume coitus after a dermal graft repair for Peyronie''s disease were studied. Psychogenic causes were found in 15 men, 10 of whom were treated locally by the sex counselors who interviewed all the couples. Psychogenic dysfunction was related to waiting for healing or for a specified period, then approaching 1st coitus either with idealized expectations or as if it were a test. Of the 10 treated men, 3 also had marital conflict and 5 others had lack of a partner or poor motivation, including 1 who also suffered some instability of erection possibly of structural cause. In most of the treated men relief of anxiety and conflict proved effective, and coitus was restored. Possible improved results in new operative candidates through preoperative and postoperative counseling, which emphasizes a less pressured approach to coitus postoperatively, was evaluated.