In-plane anisotropy of vortex-lattice melting in largeYBa2Cu3O7single crystals

The vortex-lattice melting transition of a large untwinned YBa2Cu3O7 crystal (Tc=91.6K) in the case of Hc axis appears as a jump in dc magnetization Mdc at a melting transition Tm and an abrupt transition in the ac susceptibility χac above Tm. Similarly, Mdc shows a jump at Tm in the Hb and Ha configurations, indicating that a first-order-melting transition occurs in a highly compressed vortex lattice. This is reinforced by a lattice softening in χac below Tm and a sharp transition above Tm. The melting lines fitted by H=H0(1T/Tc)1.5 give the relations H0a/H0c=7.24±0.09, H0b/H0c=8.93±0.12, and H0b/H0a=1.23±0.01. These are in excellent agreement with the anisotropy parameters γca=mc/ma=7.44±0.25, γcb =mc/mb=8.79±0.21, and γab=ma/mb=1.18±0.05.