Galactic dynamo and nucleosynthesis limit on the Dirac neutrino masses

The dynamo mechanism for generating the magnetic fields of galaxies requires the existence of a primordial seed field, which induces oscillations between the left- and right-handed Dirac neutrinos. We consider the excitation of the right-handed neutrinos in the early Universe due to these oscillations and show that nucleosynthesis sets stringent upper limit on the size of the neutrino magnetic moments: μν≲6.5×1034 μB [1 G/Bseed(Tnow)]. In the standard model these limits can be translated to a constraint on the neutrino masses, given by tsummνi(2.1×1015 eV) [1 G/Bseed(Tnow)]. We also set upper limits on the transition magnetic moments.