Effects of a temperature-sensitiveMinutemutation on gene expression inDrosophila melanogaster

SUMMARY: Minute(M) lesions exhibit a striking propensity for interacting with many different mutations. In the past, few attempts have been made to explain these diverse phenomena. This study describes a variety of temperature-sensitive (ts) interactions exhibited by the ts third chromosomeMinutemutationM(3)LS4Q-III(Q-III). Most of these interactions (i.e. those involvingvg, cp, Dl, DfdorLy) reflectQ-III-induced enhancement of the respective mutant phenotypes at the restrictive temperature. However,Q-IIIalso suppresses the extra-sex-comb phenotypes ofPcandMscat 29 °C and evokes lethal and bristle traits when combined withJ34eat the restrictive temperature. All of these interactions are characteristic of non-tsMinutelesions and thus they appear to be correlated with general physiological perturbations associated with theMsyndrome. In addition, our findings show that mutations that affect ribosome production and/or function, namelysu(f)ts67gandbbts−1, exhibit interactions comparable to those elicited byQ-III. Hence, in accordance with previous findings, we argue that most of theQ-IIIinteractions can be attributed to reduced translational capacity at the restrictive temperature. Finally, reciprocal temperature shift studies were used to delineate TSPs for interactions betweenQ-IIIandvg(mid to late second instar),cp(about mid-third instar),Dfd(early third instar) andDl(late second to mid third instar). We believe that these TSPs represent developmental intervals during which the respective gene products are utilized.