HLA‐DRB3 *0101 is associated with Graves' disease in Jamaicans

OBJECTIVES Graves' disease is associated with different human leucocyte antigen (HLA) genes in different populations. This study was designed to examine the HLA class II associations with Graves' disease in Jamaicans. PATIENTS One hundred and six Jamaicans with Graves' disease and 104 controls. DESIGN Oligotyping for HLA-DRB1, DRB3, DQA1 and DQB1 alleles was performed using the polymerase chain reaction sequence specific oligonucleotide probe (PCR-SSOP) technique. RESULTS The frequency of HLA-DRB3 *0101 was increased significantly in the patients compared to controls (38·7% vs. 19·2%; RR = 2·72; Pc < 0·015). The protective alleles for Graves' disease were DRB1 *0901 (0·9% vs. 20·2%; RR = 0·04; Pc < 0·001), DRB1*1001 (0·0% vs. 11%; RR = 0·0%; Pc < 0·01) and DRB4 *0101 (0·0% vs. 12·5%; RR = 0·0; Pc < 0·05). A high female to male ratio of Graves' disease, 25 : 1, was observed. Other associated autoimmune diseases were rare and no significant HLA class II associations were found with clinical markers of disease. CONCLUSIONS Jamaican patients with Graves' disease share the DRB3 *0101 susceptible allele and the DRB4 *01 protective allele but not the susceptible haplotype DRB1 *0301, DRB3 *0101, DQA1 *0501 with Caucasians.