Angular multiplexing for multichannel communication in a single fiber

A concept of angular multiplexing of several communication channels in a relatively short step-index fiber is described. The angular dependence of the outgoing light flux and the temporal impulse response are calculated for slab waveguides and round fibers in terms of the fiber's length and the excitation conditions. Calculations of the inpulse response in the presence of mode coupling are based on a simple model which is found to be adequate for short fibers. Crosstalk levels are calculated by integrating the flux over the aperture of the detectors. Measurements of angular flux distribution, temporal impulse response, and crosstalk levels agree with theoretical prediction and validate the proposed concepts. To increase light levels, parallel excitation of each channel by several light sources is suggested and tested. Also, light collection efficiency is increased by employing lenses and annular mirrors to deflect and focus the light from each channel to small-area detectors. Given a 25 m long fiber with a coupling constant of 10-5rad2/m, it is possible to multiplex four channels with cross-talk of about -25 dB and information rates ranging from 109bits/s to 1010bits/s for each channel.