Antigenic relationships between avian paramyxoviruses

Comprehensive hemagglutination inhibition (HI) and neuraminidase inhibition (NI) cross reaction tests were performed using 8 of 9 serotypes of avian paramyxoviruses (PMV). The studies were designed as full scale repeating experiments which permitted an adequate statistical treatment and elaboration of quantitative criteria of antigenic kinship. The results have shown diverse antigenic relationships between different avian paramyxovirus (PMV) serotypes which were asymmetric in some cases. The antigenic relationships found by HI test did not always parallel those found by NI tests. The antigenic inter-relationships have been displayed quantitatively in a diagram. This has given a basis for some suggestions concerning: a) the independent antigenic drift of the HA and Nase antigenic sites of hemagglutinin-neuraminidase (HN) glycoprotein of avian PMVs; b) a tentative subdivision of the whole group of avian PMVs into two subgroups: the first including PMV-2 and PMV-6 serotypes and the second including PMV-1, PMV-3, PMV-4, PMV-7, PMV-8 and PMV-9 serotypes; c) the conception that genomic material coding for the HN glycoprotein consists of a “common-to-all-the-PMVs” portion and a “serotype-specific” portion, on one hand, and of a “conserved” portion and a “variable” portion, on the other; the ratios between the portions have been shown to be different for, at least, certain PMV serotypes; d) the evolutionary pathways of the avain PMV HN antigenic drift.