Influence of Forage Phenolics on Ruminal Fibrolytic Bacteria and In Vitro Fiber Degradation

In vitro cultures of ruminal microorganisms were used to determine the effect of cinnamic acid and vanillin on the digestibility of cellulose and xylan. Cinnamic acid and vanillin depressed in vitro dry matter disappearance of cellulose 14 and 49%, respectively, when rumen fluid was the inoculum. The number of viable Bacteroides succinogenes cells, the predominant cellulolytic organism, was threefold higher for fermentations which contained vanillin than for control fermentations. When xylan replaced cellulose as the substrate, a 14% decrease in the digestibility of xylan was observed with vanillin added; however, the number of viable xylanolytic bacteria cultured from the batch fermentation was 10-fold greater than that of control fermentations. The doubling time of B. succinogenes was increased from 2.32 to 2.58 h when vanillin was added to cellobiose medium, and absorbance was one-half that of controls after 18 h. The growth rate of Ruminococcus albus and Ruminococcus flavefaciens was inhibited more by p-coumaric acid than by vanillin, although no reduction of final absorbance was observed in their growth cycles. Vanillin, and to a lesser extent cinnamic acid, appeared to prevent the attachment of B. succinogenes cells to cellulose particles, but did not affect dissociation of cells from the particles. B. succinogenes, R. albus, R. flavefaciens, and Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens all modified the parent monomers cinnamic acid, p-coumaric acid, ferulic acid, and vanillin, with B. fibrisolvens causing the most extensive modifications. These results suggest that phenolic monomers can inhibit digestibility of cellulose and xylan, possibly by influencing attachment of the fibrolytic microorganisms to fiber particles. The reduced bacterial attachment to structural carbohydrates in the presence of vanillin may generate more free-floating fibrolytic organisms, thus giving a deceptively higher viable count.