Light regulation of the cell cycle inEuglena gracilis bacillaris

We have studied the light regulation of the cell division cycle in the photosynthetic alga Euglena gracilis bacillaris. Euglena grown under phototrophic conditions are easily synchronized to a 12 h light‐12 h dark regime. By inoculating stationary phase, nondividing cells into fresh media and exposing the diluted cells to either light or darkness, we have determined that initiation of DNA synthesis for the cell division cycle is light dependent. By varying the length of time in light to which synchronized cells are exposed, we have shown that commitment to the cell cycle requires exposure to more than 6 h of light. We propose that this is to allow the accumulation, through photosynthetic electron transport, of an initiating factor that will enable DNA synthesis to begin. Flow cytometry analysis also shows that once cells are committed to the cell cycle, they complete the cycle in the dark, so mitosis is a light‐independent step.