Identification of the Dopamine D3 Receptor in Oligodendrocyte Precursors: Potential Role in Regulating Differentiation and Myelin Formation

Expression of the dopamine D3 receptor (D3r) was found in primary mixed glial cultures from newborn brain and in the corpus callosumin vivoduring the peak of myelination. Expression of the D3r mRNA, but not D2r mRNA, was detected as early as 5 din vitro(DIV) by RT-PCR. Immunoblot studies revealed D3r protein was also expressed in the cultures. Double immunofluorescence analysis for the D3r and for surface markers of specific stages of oligodendrocyte development indicated that D3r expression occurred in precursors and in immature oligodendrocytes but not in mature oligodendrocytes (i.e., A2B5+00701and A2B5+007+01cells but not A2B5007+01+cells). Confocal microscopic analysis indicated that D3r was associated with cell bodies and cell membranes but not with the processes emanating from cell somas. Immunohistochemistry of brain sections revealed the presence of D3r in some oligodendrocytes located mainly within the genu and radiato of the corpus callosum during the active period of myelination.Treatment of cultures with 20 μmquinpirole led to decreased numbers of O1+oligodendrocytes possessing myelin-like membranes as well as an increase in the number of precursors in 14 DIV cultures. This effect was prevented by the dopamine antagonist haloperidol. These results show that the D3r expression is not restricted to neurons but it is also expressed in differentiating oligodendrocytes before terminal maturation. It also suggests that dopamine or some other D3r ligand may play a role in oligodendrocyte differentiation and/or the formation of myelin by mature oligodendrocytes.