Reductive Growth of Nanosized Ligated Metal Clusters on Silicon Nanowires

The reductive growth of metal clusters on silicon nanowires (SiNWs) is reported. The HF-etched SiNWs were found to reduce ligated Au−Ag clusters of single size, shape, composition, and structure. In the process, the surfaces of the SiNWs were reoxidized. The reductive cluster growth on the SiNW surface was followed by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM). The reduced metal clusters grew to different sizes in the nanometer regime (1−7 nm in diameter) on the SiNW surfaces. At sizes greater than approximately 7 nm, they tend to separate from the SiNW surfaces. Further growth and/or agglomeration of these colloidal particles to sizes greater than roughly 25 nm in diameter eventually causes the particles to precipitate from solution. Two interesting phenomena, the “sinking cluster” and the “cluster fusion” processes, were observed under TEM.