Fluid Milk Vitamin Fortification Compliance in New York State

Current US regulations, as specified in the Pasteurized Milk Ordinance, require vitamin A fortification of all reduced fat fluid milk products. The addition of vitamin D is optional in all fluid products. Acceptable vitamin concentrations in fortified milks are 2000 to 3000 International units per quart for vitamin A and 400 to 600 International units per quart for vitamin D. Vitamin A and D levels were analyzed in fortified milk products collected over a 4-yr period in New York State. Samples of whole fat, 2% fat, 1% fat, and nonfat milks were collected twice per year from up to 31 dairy processing plants. For vitamin A, 44.5% of 516 samples were in compliance with current regulations, and 47.7% of 648 samples were within the acceptable range for vitamin D. Most milk samples that were out of compliance were underfortified.