Nuclear structure studies with (e,e’), (π,π’), and (γ,π) reactions: Applications toB10

Theoretical approaches for investigating nuclear structure with (e,e’), (π,π’), and (γ,π) reactions are presented and applied to study the shell-model description of B10. The distorted wave impulse approximation formulated in momentum space is used to calculate the cross sections of (π,π’) and (γ,π) reactions from the πN→πN and πN→γN off-shell amplitudes which are generated from the model of Nozawa, Blankleider, and Lee[1]. It is found that the nonlocal effects due to πN off-shell dynamics and nucleon Fermi motion are important in predicting (γ,π) cross sections. The one-pion-exchange two-body exchange currents are included in (e,e’) calculations. It is shown that the core polarization effects, calculated in a perturbation approach including excitations up to 6ħω, are essential in obtaining quantitative agreements with the data with no adjustable parameters. The predictions based on the shell model of Cohen and Kurath [2] and Hague and Maripuu [3] are compared in order to illustrate the use of (e,e’), (π,π’), and (γ,π) reactions in distinguishing nuclear structure theories which are almost equivalent in describing static properties in nuclei. Predictions for future (e,e’) and (γ,π) experiments are also presented.