Interactive Voice Response Reminder Effects on Preventive Service Utilization

This study evaluated the effects of interactive voice response (IVR) system reminders to managed care organization (MCO) members to obtain mammograms, Papanicolaou (Pap) tests, and influenza immunizations. The MCO identified 3 member cohorts and sent IVR reminders to get preventive services. Analyses employed claims data to examine relationships between IVR reminders and preventive service use 5 to 9 months postintervention among members without prior utilization. Multivariate logistic regressions controlling for age, gender (for influenza immunizations), and risk stratum confirmed hypothesized relationships between intervention and preventive services: mammograms, odds ratio (OR) = 1.263 (95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.104, 1.444); Pap tests, OR = 1.241 (1.107, 1.391); influenza immunizations, OR = 2.072 (1.665, 2.580). IVR reminders are associated with higher rates of mammograms, Pap tests, and influenza immunizations. Study limitations include unknown generalizability of results and possible self-selection. There is justification for more IVR interventions and research to enhance MCO members’ preventive service utilization.