More precise location of the polycytidylic acid tract in foot and mouth disease virus RNA

The polycytidylic acid [poly(C)] tract in foot and mouth disease virus RNA has been located about 400 nucleotides from the 5' end of the RNA by analysis of the products from the digestion of the RNA with RNase H in the presence of oligodeoxyguanylic acid [oligo(dG)]. This treatment produces a small fragment (S) containing the small protein covalently linked to the RNA and a large fragment (L) that migrates faster than untreated RNA on low-percentage polyacrylamide gels, lacks the poly(C) tract as shown by RNase T1 digestion and oligo(dG)-cellulose binding, and is no longer infective. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of fragment S suggests that it is about 400 nucleotides long, in agreement with the size estimated from the proportion of radioactivity in the fragment. Analysis of the RNase T1 digestion products of S shows that it contains only those oligonucleotides mapping close to the poly(C) tract that is situated near the 5' end of the virus RNA.