We previously reported a modality‐specific layering of leg sensory axons in the CNS of the flies Phormia regina and Drosophila melanogaster with tactile and gustatory axons projecting into a ventral layer and the proprioceptive hair plate axons into an intermediate layer. Here the description is expanded to include the afferent projections of campaniform sensilla on the legs and wings of Phormia. The leg campaniform sensilla produce a number of patterns of projections within an intermediate layer of their ganglion, some of which project intersegmentally into the other thoracic ganglia. One of these patterns is shared by the hair plate sense organs. Selected wing campaniform sensilla were also stained and showed that there is little or no overlap between the projections of leg and wing campaniform sensilla. Similarities with the arrangement of campaniform sensilla and their central processes in Drosophila melanogaster are discussed. To apply the results of this study to a broader range of insects we provide an atlas of the fly CNS and compare it with the locust, which has been the model for much insect neuroanatomy and neurophysiology.