Determination of the mass, width, and (ΣπΛπ) branching ratio of theΣ(1381)baryon

The mass, width, and (ΣπΛπ) branching ratio of the Y1* or Σ(1381) are reported from a large-statistics sample for which systematic effects are included. The mass values for Y1*+, Y1*, and Y1*0 are found to be 1381 ± 1 MeV, 1383 ± 2 MeV, and 1380 ± 2 MeV, respectively; an average width of 34 ± 2 MeV is found. The Σπ branching fraction is found to be 0.17 ± 0.04. Good agreement between the latest experimental data for the JP=32+ decimet and the expectations of SU3 is obtained by using equal spacing in mass squared and by using the average of the cube of the decay momenta in comparing the partial widths.