Fast light-particle production for theB11+C12andB10+C13reactions

The fast light-particle yield for the B10+C13 and B11+C12 reactions has been studied at a bombarding energy of 54 MeV. The outgoing particles, whose spectra peak at an energy which corresponds approximately to the beam velocity, are attributed to projectile breakup. The predictions of a Serber-type projectile breakup model with no free parameters other than an overall normalization were compared with the shapes of the energy spectra and the angular distributions of all outgoing particles except for protons and alpha particles. For these exit channels, the breakup cross section is masked by a strong evaporation component. For those exit channels where a comparison could be made, the breakup model described the experimental data reasonably well. The magnitudes of the total breakup cross sections for the B10+C13 and B11+C12 systems are 290 mb and 193 mb, respectively.