Comparison of Amorphous and Quasicrystalline Films of Sputtered Al0.72Mn0.22Si0.06

X-ray data were collected on films of Al0.72 Mn0.22 Si0.06 sputtered on NaCl at 45, 150, and 230 °C. The 45 °C films show a typical metallic-glass structure factor, S(Q), while at 230 °C the structure is quasicrystalline plus Al. A combined particle-size and phason strain broadening was applied to the normalized and reduced S(Q) for the 230 °C film to bring it essentially into coincidence with the amorphous (45 °C) S(Q) leading us to conclude that the glass, or amorphous, phase represents a defect limit of the quasicrystal.