Perinuclear theca during spermatozoa maturation leading to fertilization

Mammalian spermatozoa acquire the capacity to fertilize the ovum and display motility during their passage through the epididymis. At the same time, they undergo changes in metabolic patterns, enzymatic activities, ability to bind to zona pellucida surface, and electrophoretic properties and, furthermore, stabilization of some sperm structures by the establishment of disulphide linkages takes place in several sperm structures. The cytoplasmic perinuclear theca (PT) is a unique extranuclear cytoskeletal element that surrounds the nucleus, which is proposed to be a structural scaffold to the sperm nucleus. The purpose of this review is to describe PT changes related to epididymal sperm maturation. We will focus mainly on the protein components of the PT of eutherian mammalian spermatozoa and on quantitative protein changes during sperm maturation. The protein constituents of the PT have not been completely defined and most of them are different from the cytoskeletal proteins of somatic cells. However, they are proteins with cytoskeletal features. The morphologic changes reported for PT and the proposed functions of PT are discussed. Microsc. Res. Tech. 61:76–87, 2003.