Anisotropic magnetic properties of single crystals ofSmRh4B4

The magnetic susceptibility of single crystals of SmRh4 B4 has been measured for two orientations of the crystals with respect to the applied field H. At low temperatures, the easy direction of magnetization is perpendicular to the tetragonal c axis, while for temperatures higher than 73 K, the easy axis of magnetization is parallel to the c axis. The data have been analyzed by including intermediate coupling of the lowest three J manifolds of the Sm3+ ion, crystal-field interactions, and conduction-electron polarization effects. The anisotropy crossover is shown to result primarily from a competition between the anisotropy of the crystal-field energy levels in the ground (J=(5/2) manifold and the anisotropy of Van Vleck terms due to mixing of the J=(5/2 and J= 7) / 2 manifolds.