Superconductivity, crystal-field effects, and magnetic order in the (Sm1−xYx)Rh4B4mixed ternary system

The phase diagram of the superconducting transition temperature Tc and the magnetic ordering temperature TM versus the composition x has been determined for the mixed ternary system (Sm1x Yx)Rh4 B4. The x dependence of Tc is described well by the Abrikosov-Gor’kov theory modified to include the influence of the crystalline electric field on the Sm3+ ions. Heat-capacity measurements show that TM decreases linearly with x at the rate dTM/dx=-0.0128 K/(at. % Y). The influence of this magnetic order on superconductivity suggests that a transition from antiferromagnetism to ferromagnetism takes place for x∼0.4.