Investigations have been carried out in this department in recent years with the object of establishing the minimum protein requirements of the bacon pig. The results were recently summarized in thisJournal(Woodman & Evans, 1948). The minimum protein standards recorded in that communication are consistent with the attainment of the maximum rate of growth compatible with the net energy content of the diet. The basal foods employed consisted throughout of 2 parts of barley meal and 1 part of middlings (fine bran), together with a little lucerne meal and minerals. Briefly, it was found that such a diet, when supplemented with 7% of white-fish meal, supplied the minimum amount of digestible protein required for the quickest possible rate of growth between weaning and 90 lb. live weight, when the level of feeding was such as is shown in the feeding chart (see Table 7). It was also found unnecessary to include any protein concentrate in the diet beyond 90 lb. live weight to ensure the maximum rate of growth over this later period. The requirements were based on the results of statistically designed growth trials, and were confirmed by nitrogen-balance determinations carried out in metabolism crates. It was found that nitrogen retention was just as favourable on the basal diet supplemented with 7% of white-fish meal as when the protein level was increased by feeding higher amounts offish meal.