The role of histone H2B from sea urchin sperm in the association of reconstituted minichromosomes

A comparative study of the condensation of reconstituted complexes of circular SV40 DNA with core histones from calf thymus and sea urchin sperm was performed using sedimentation and electron microscopic techniques. It is shown that in low ionic strength solutions both types of complexes are similar to native ‘minichromosomes’. In the region from 0.08 to 0.16 M NaCl the complexes of SV40 DNA with thymus histones form small compact particles. By contrast, the compaction of the SV40 DNA complexes with sperm histones results in the formation of giant intermolecular associates. The results obtained may mean that histone H2B of sea urchin sperm participates in the formation of a higher order structure in sperm chromatin.