Reduction of Natural Adenovirus Tropism to Mouse Liverby Fiber-Shaft Exchange in Combination with both CAR- andαv Integrin-BindingAblation

The primary receptor, the coxsackievirus and adenovirus receptor (CAR), and the secondary receptor, αv integrins, are the tropism determinants of adenovirus (Ad) type 5. Inhibition of the interaction of both the fiber with CAR and the penton base with the αv integrin appears to be crucial to the development of targeted Ad vectors, which specifically transduce a given cell population. In this study, we developed Ad vectors with ablation of both CAR and αv integrin binding by mutating the fiber knob and the RGD motif of the penton base. We also replaced the fiber shaft domain with that derived from Ad type 35. High transduction efficiency in the mouse liver was suppressed approximately 130- to 270-fold by intravenous administration of the double-mutant Ad vectors, which mutated two domains each of the fiber knob and shaft and the RGD motif of the penton base compared with those of conventional Ad vectors (type 5). Most significantly, the triple-mutant Ad vector containing the fiber knob with ablation of CAR binding ability, the fiber shaft of Ad type 35, and the penton base with a deletion of the RGD motif mediated a >30,000-fold lower level of mouse liver transduction than the conventional Ad vectors. This triple-mutant Ad vector also mediated reduced transduction in other organs (the spleen, kidney, heart, and lung). Viral DNA analysis showed that systemically delivered triple-mutant Ad vector was primarily taken up by liver nonparenchymal cells and that most viral DNAs were easily degraded, resulting in little gene expression in the liver. These results suggest that the fiber knob, fiber shaft, and RGD motif of the penton base each plays an important role in Ad vector-mediated transduction to the mouse liver and that the triple-mutant Ad vector exhibits little tropism to any organs and appears to be a fundamental vector for targeted Ad vectors.