Inductive Control of Indoleacetic Acid Oxidase Activity by Red and Near Infrared Light.

The IAA oxidase activity of buds of etiolated peas, as assayed in extracts with the addition of 2,4-dichlorophenol or manga-nous ion, was greatly inhibited by 2 to 750 kiloergs/cm2 red light given to the intact plants during a brief period at some time before harvest. Maximum inhibition with a given energy was obtained by illuminating about 16 hours before harvest. The inhibition was reversible by near infrared radiation given immediately after the red light, but not more than 1 hour afterwards. The activities of extracts from dark-grown and red-illuminated buds could be made the same by dilution, or by dialysis, suggesting that the inhibition may be due entirely to increased levels of a dialyzable inhibitor. The IAA oxidase activity of young internode tissue was insensitive to the low energies used. The results may be of significance in the physiology of de-etiolation and of other processes controlled by red and near infrared radiations.