Metabolic Effects of Volatile Anesthetics in Cell Culture

Monolayer cell cultures constitute a convenient in vitro model for the study of biochemical processes associated with narcosis. Chloroform, diethyl ether, fluroxene, halothane, methoxyflurane, tri-chlorethylene, and nitrous oxide slow the multiplication rate of mouse heteroploid cells; the effect of halothane and nitrous oxide is not counteracted by excess O2. In the presence of halothane, glucose uptake and lactate output increase and O2 consumption is inhibited, 50% inhibition occurring with 0.9% halothane in the heteroploid strain and with 0.35% halothane in the mouse sarcoma I strain. The magnitude of the effect on the carbohydrate metabolism of the cell cultures is roughly in proportion to the logarithm of the partial pressure of halothane; the effect Is reminiscent of the actlonoof barbiturates In vitro In many types of mammalian tissues. A variety of biochemical mechanisms Implicating the mltochondrlal membranes may be Involved.