The size of dairy heifers

1. A field investigation to estimate the mean weight and chest girth of unserved Friesian, Ayrshire and Dairy Shorthorn heifers of between 3 and 24 months of age was carried out. 2. Data from 1,620 Friesians, 725 Ayrshires and 455 Dairy Shorthorns in the North of England were obtained, with a mobile weighbridge and a. spring-loaded steel tape in the winter 1958–59. 3. It was found that on average the Friesians were heavier and had a greater chest girth than the Ayrshires and Dairy Shorthorns, which did not differ significantly. 4. These heifers were apparently reared on planes of nutrition which, judged by conventional feeding standards, may be described as ‘low’. 5. After eliminating the linear effect of age by covariance analysis, highly significant differences between herds and between sires in weight and chest girth were found. 6. The investigation demonstrated the feasibility and value of collecting field data on body size.