Electronic structures of the monohydride (2×1):H and the dihydride(1×1)2HSi(001) surfaces studied by angle-resolved electron-energy-loss spectroscopy

We have identified the monohydride Si(001)-(2×1):H surface and the dihydride Si(001)(1×1)2H surface by angle-resolved electron-energy-loss spectroscopy and elastic low-energy electron diffraction. On the monohydride (2×1):H surface the S3 transition from the back-bond surface state was distinctly observed although the S1 transition from the dangling-bond surface state disappeared, while on the dihydride (1×1)2H surface both the S3 and the S1 transitions completely disappeared. These facts show that on the monohydride surface the subsurface strain due to dimerization remains; on the other hand, on the dihydride surface the strain is healed out. The hydrogen-induced transitions for the two surfaces were clearly distinguished; the transition energy for the (2×1):H surface (SH1) was 8.0 eV and that for the (1×1)2H surface (SH2) increased from 7.0 to 7.5 eV with increasing |k| due to dispersion. The present results support and develop the models for the monohydride and the dihydride surfaces proposed by Sakurai and Hagstrum.