In order to determine the properties of single magnetic impurities in the Kondo state and the effects of these single magnetic impurities on the host-conduction-electron spin system, the Fe-impurity contributions to the Cu63-host nuclear-magnetic-resonance (NMR) linewidth ΔHi, and spin-lattice relaxation time Tli, have been studied over a wide Fe-concentration range (0<c<1260 ppm) in CuFe. The NMR-linewidth measurements made from 1.65 to 77°K and in magnetic fields from 2 to 16 kOe and in some cases up to 60 kOe, show the anomalous behavior of the slope S=dΔHidH originally observed by Heeger et al. and studied for a 480-ppm CuFe alloy by Golibersuch and Heeger exists over a wide Fe-concentration range. This anomalous behavior, which consists of the transition from a constant slope at low fields, SL, to a smaller magnitude slope at high fields, SH, occurs in a relatively narrow range of fields about some critical field Hc. This behavior clearly results from the single-impurity contribution to the NMR linewidth as evidenced by the linear concentration dependence of both SL and SH and also by the concentration independence of SLSH. SH has the same (T+29)1 temperature dependence as the bulk susceptibility, while SL is enhanced for H<Hc and T<Tc6 °K. At 1. 65 °K, SH=(1.50±0.10)×106c, SL=(2.83±0.10)×106c (c in ppm), and SLSH=1.9. These results show that the Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida-like oscillatory conduction-electron spin polarization existing about an impurity for TTK is either enhanced for T<Tc and H<Hc, or else an additional long-range oscillatory spin polarization is formed in the Kondo state. From the inverse concentration dependence of Hc we conclude that long-range interactions of sufficient strength exist between Fe spins via the dd double-resonance mechanism to effectively saturate the extra oscillatory spin polarization in successively smaller applied fields as the Fe concentration increases. The impurity-induced host relaxation rate is linear in Fe concentration up to at least 300 ppm, decreasing from Tli1=2.3×103c (c in ppm) for 2.65 kOe to Tli1=2.5×104c for 15 kOe at 1. 65 °K. The low-concentration data follow a single curve when plotted as T(cTli)1 vs TH (0.1KkOe<TH<1.0KkOe). Comparison of this curve with the existing high-temperature (TTK) theories would imply that the spin-lattice relaxation in the liquid-helium temperature range is dominated by a dipolar coupling of the nuclei to longitudinal dipolar fluctuations of the impurity spin. These results are discussed in the light of the Tli data for T>TK which does not appear to be consistent with this mechanism suggesting that none of the TTK relaxation mechanisms may be simply extended to the region T<TK.