Amorphous CoZrNb films have been deposited by magnetron sputtering which can greatly improve the utilization efficiency of a magnetic alloy target with high permeability. The saturation magnetization 4πMs of the CoZrNb films was about 14 kG. The easy and hard axes of magnetization of the films were orthogonal to each other in the film plane. The coercivity Hc in the easy and hard directions decreased from 0.9 to 0.2 Oe after annealing in a rotating dc magnetic field HA. However, Hc increased drastically to 20 Oe by heating at the annealing temperature TA of 400 °C. With increasing TA and HA, the anisotropy field Hk gradually decreased from 12 to 1 Oe and the resistivity ρ also decreased from 200 to 150 μΩ cm. Consequently, it was found that Hc and ρ depended strongly on TA; and that Hk had definite relationships with both TA and HA.