Influence of Planting Date on Growth of Palmer Amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri)

Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri S. Wats. # AMAPA) planted in a field at monthly intervals from March through October at Shafter, CA, began to emerge in March when soil temperatures at a depth of 5 cm reached 18 C. With the exception of March and April plantings, at least 50% of the seed of later plantings produced seedlings within 2 weeks after planting. Although growth of plants was initially slower for early plantings, plantings from March to July reached 2 m or greater in height by fall. Due to longer growing times, plantings from March to June eventually produced more dry matter and a greater number of inflorescences than later plantings. Plants began flowering 5 to 9 weeks after planting in March through June and 3 to 4 weeks after planting in July through October. Some viable seed was produced as early as 2 to 3 weeks after flowering began. Total seed production in the fall ranged from 200 000 to 600 000 seed/plant for the March through June plantings, and 115 to 80 000 seed/plant for the July through September plantings. Killing frosts in November prevented Palmer amaranth planted in October from producing seed.