Dynamic voltage and frequency management for a low-power embedded microprocessor

High-performance and low-power microprocessors are key to PDA applications. A dynamic voltage and frequency management (DVFM) scheme with leakage power compensation effect is introduced in a microprocessor with 128-bit wideband 64-Mb embedded DRAM. The DVFM scheme autonomously controls clock frequency from 8 to 123 MHz in steps of 0.5 MHz and also adaptively controls supply voltage from 0.9 to 1.6 V in steps of 5 mV, achieving 82% power reduction in personal information management scheduler application and 40% power reduction in MPEG4 movie playback. This low-power embedded microprocessor, fabricated with 0.18-/spl mu/m CMOS embedded DRAM technology, enables high-performance operations such as audio and video applications. As process technology shrinks, this adaptive leakage power compensation scheme will become more important in realizing high-performance and low-power mobile consumer applications.

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