A bioassay employing green or etiolated cuttings of Phaseolus aureus Roxb. was developed for determining malformin-induced growth stimulation in light. Growth enhancement of green cuttings was more rapid and relatively greater than that of etiolated cuttings. Cuttings from green seedlings responded less as seedlings aged; those from etiolated seedlings responded more. Malformin [from Aspergillus niger] also stimulated the growth of green or etiolated seedlings in light. Most growth enhancement induced by malformin occurred in the upper 1 cm of the stem. Using green cuttings, malformin stimulated stem elongation relatively more when cotyledons, leaves, or especially apical buds were removed. Although malformin failed to stimulate elongation of 2-cm stem sections floated on solutions in Petri dishes, it stimulated elongation of sections when they were upright. High concentrations of IAA inhibited growth enhancement by malformin. When gibberellin and malformin were combined, growth enhancement was nearly additive.