Levels of Processing Effects on Learning from Texts with Maps

Two studies are reported in which high school students were forced to process a text containing a geographical map. In Study 1, 86 students read the materials under one of four different conditions in which levels of processing of the text and accompanying map were varied: Question Mapcue (the materials contained adjunct questions and cues to inspect the provided map); Question Map (the materials contained adjunct questions but no cues to inspect the provided map); Question (the material contained adjunct questions and no map was provided); and Text (the materials contained no adjunct questions and no map was provided). A number of recognition and recall tests showed no significant differences among the conditions. A map task showed superior performance on recalling information related to the events in the text by Question Mapcue students of high reading ability. Study 2, with 94 students, employed a deeper directed or forced processing condition in which students were required to actually draw on the map itself, the Mapdraw condition (an extension of the Question Mapcue condition in Study 1). The two other conditions were Question Mapcue (as in Study 1) and, as control, Question Map (as for Study 1). Results from recognition and recall testing showed positive effects for drawing on the map, but only if accompanied by high reading ability. Implications for independent student learning are discussed.