Vibrational–torsional coupling. High-resolution stimulated Raman spectrum of the ν3 band of ethane (12C2H6)

We report a stimulated Raman spectrum of the Q branch of the ν3 band of ethane recorded with a resolution of about 0.0055 cm−1 and an absolute wave‐number accuracy of the order of 0.001 cm−1. This spectrum is analyzed in terms of a vibrational–torsional coupling Hamiltonian that allows for the calculation of the observed wave numbers within the experimental uncertainty. The following spectroscopic parameters (in cm−1) have been obtained: ν30=994.1108(10), B3A1sB0=−0.006 165(3), B3E3dB0=−0.006 170(2), B3E3sB0 =−0.006 184(2), B3A3dB0=−0.006 257(2), A3A1sA0=−0.003 037(15), A3E3dA0 =−0.003 040(12), A3E3sA0=−0.003 054(12), and A3A3dA0=−0.003 065(12). A strong dependence of the threefold torsional potential barrier with respect to the q3 normal mode, ∂V3/∂q3=−275.9±1.4 cm−1, is deduced from the present analysis.