Determination of the valence-band discontinuity of InP1−xGaxP1−zAsz (x∼0.13, z∼0.29) by quantum-well luminescence

By means of liquid‐phase epitaxy, undoped single‐quantum‐well layers of In1−xGaxP1−zAsz (x∼0.13, z∼0.29) of thickness Lz∼150 Å are grown embedded in InP and are examined in photoluminescence. Hot‐electron recombination from Ec (InP) to bound holes in the quaternary quantum well leads to stimuated emission in a band ∼80 meV below Eg (InP) and thus to an estimate of ΔEv∼80 meV (ΔEc∼ΔEv) for the InP‐InGaPAs valence‐band discontinuity.