Below the critical point the liquid-vapor interface of a simple fluid is characterized by a thin transition layer across which the values of density vary between the two phases. This transition layer can be described by a density profile characterized by an effective interface thickness L. As the temperature T approaches the critical temperature Tc, L diverges as εν, where ε=1TTc. From the measurement of optical reflectivity of the liquid-vapor interface of sulfur hexafluoride, we have deduced the interface thickness and the critical index β for the coexistence curve. In the temperature range 9.73×105ε5.33×102 we find ν=0.620±0.01 if an error-function profile is assumed as proposed by Buff, Lovett, and Stillinger, or ν=0.663±0.02 if the density profile proposed by Fisk and Widom is used. For both profiles β is found equal to 0.333 ± 0.008. These indices, when combined with the critical index γ for the isothermal compressibility and μ for the surface tension, are used to test various scaling relations.