Recent developments and current status of gene therapy using viral vectors in the United Kingdom: Table 1

Introduction Viral vectors remain the vehicles of choice for gene transfer in clinical trials of gene therapy in the United Kingdom and worldwide. In the United Kingdom alone, 88 clinical trials are registered with the Gene Therapy Advisory Committee (GTAC, Although notable successes have been achieved in some inherited diseases, viral vectors have not been without their problems. We review the adverse events encountered to date and describe lessons that can be learnt from them to improve vector biology and pharmacology in order to make gene therapy with viral vectors a viable treatment for the future. References Cavazzana-Calvo M, Thrasher A, Mavilio F . The future of gene therapy. Nature 2004;427: 779–81. Thomas CE, Ehrhardt A, Kay MA . Progress and problems with the use of viral vectors for gene therapy. Nature Rev Genet 2003;4: 346–58. Lundstrom K . Latest development in viral vectors for gene therapy. Trends Biotechnol 2003;213: 117–22. Footnotes Contributors HP was responsible for proposing the article, for critical reading, and for approval of the final manuscript. He is the guarantor. KR was responsible for researching and writing the article. KH was responsible for critical reading and advising on the article. Funding None. Competing interests None declared.