Damping of quantum coherence: The master-equation approach

We solve the master equation for the coordinate-coordinate damped harmonic oscillator for initial superpositions of coherent states. In the zero-temperature case the solution remains a simple superposition of coherent states. While the underdamped oscillator evolves all initial superpositions into mixtures of coherent states the overdamped oscillator does so selectively. For finite temperatures coherent states are no longer preserved, and we find a decrease in the variance of the off-diagonal coordinate-basis density-matrix elements below the coherent-state value. This variance decreases with increasing bath temperature. In the overdamped case there is negligible associated spreading of the diagonal coordinate-basis density-matrix elements. Thus the coordinate basis is an example of Zurek’s pointer basis and the coordinate damped oscillator models the coordinate-basis density-matrix diagonalization which occurs in a coordinate measurement.

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